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Berechnung von Anzahlen mit Zuteilungsmethoden im Internet
Calculation of Allocations by Apportionment Methods in the Internet

Augsburg short link address: www.uni-augsburg.de/bazi/

Download: Visit BAZI at TH Augsburg

System requirements: BAZI is a Java program. To verify your computer's Java version execute "Do I have Java?" at www.java.com.

  • The ABC of Apportionment Literacy: The Augsburg Bazi Collection of Proportional Representation Literature [html=500KB]
  • The ABC of Apportionment Programming: The Augsburg Bazi Java Code [zip=507KB]
  • The ABC of Apportionment Numeracy: The Augsburg Bazi Pseudo-Code [html=25KB]
  • ABBaziE – A Bridge between BAZI Files and EXCEL Worksheets [zip=5MB], Manual [pdf=1MB]
  • Bazi – Begriffserläuterung [pdf=580KB]
  • Die Divisormethode mit Standardrundung (Sainte-Laguë/Schepers): Verfahrensnorm, Vollzugshinweise, Erläuterungsbeispiele (März 2010, 4 Seiten) [pdf=93KB]
  • European Elections 2014 Ballot Gallery [external link]
  • European Elections 2019 Ballot Gallery [external link]

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