Universität Augsburg
Kevin Ruck
Universität Augsburg
spricht am
Montag, 2. Mai 2022
15:45 Uhr
2004/L1 und Zoom (hybride Veranstaltung)
über das Thema:
Abstract: |
In this talk I want to show that in the planar circular restricted three body problem there are infinitely many symmetric consecutive collision orbits for all energies below the first critical energy value. By using the Levi-Civita regularization we will be able to distinguish between two different orientations of these orbits and prove the above claim for both of them separately. In the first part of the talk I want to explain the motivation behind this result, especially its connection to powered Flybys.
Afterwards I will introduce the main technical tools, one needs to prove the above statement, like Lagrangian Rabinowitz Floer Homology and its G-equivariant version. To be able to effectively calculate this G-equivariant Lagrangian RFH, we will relate it to the Tate homology of the group G. With this tool at hand we will then finally be able to prove that there are infinitely many consecutive collision orbits all facing in a specific direction.
If you want to take part via Zoom please ask Prof. Frauenfelder for login details: Urs.Frauenfelder@math.uni-augsburg.de |
Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung. |
Prof. Dr. Urs Frauenfelder |
Kaffee, Tee und Gebäck eine halbe Stunde vor Vortragsbeginn im Raum 2006 (L1).