Siegel der Universität Augsburg

Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik

Siegel der Universität Augsburg


Probability Colloquium Augsburg-Munich


Professor Dr. Peter Mörters
Universität zu Köln

spricht am
Montag, 8. Juli 2024
16:30 Uhr
TU München, room 2.01.10, Parkring 11, 85748 Garching-Hochbrück
über das Thema:

»Metastability of the contact process on evolving scale-free networks«

We study the contact process on scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs evolving according to a stationary dynamics, where the neighbourhood of each vertex is updated with a rate depending on its strength. We identify the full phase diagram of metastability exponents in dependence on the tail exponent of the degree distribution and the rate of updating. The talk is based on joint work with Emmanuel Jacob (Lyon) and Amitai Linker (Santiago de Chile).


Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.
Prof. Dr. Markus Heydenreich

[Impressum]      [Datenschutz],     Di 4-Jun-2024 09:34:56 MESZ