Siegel der Universität Augsburg

Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik

Siegel der Universität Augsburg


Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie


Dr. Yuan Yao
Nantes Université

spricht am
Montag, 9. Dezember 2024
16 Uhr s.t.
Raum 3008 (L1)
über das Thema:

»Anchored symplectic embeddings«

Given two four-dimensional symplectic manifolds, together with knots in their boundaries, we define an ``anchored symplectic embedding'' to be a symplectic embedding, together with a two-dimensional symplectic cobordism between the knots (in the four-dimensional cobordism determined by the embedding). We use techniques from embedded contact homology to determine quantitative critera for when anchored symplectic embeddings exist, for many examples of toric domains. In particular we find examples where ordinarily symplectic embeddings exist, but they cannot be upgraded to anchored symplectic embeddings unless one enlarges the target domain. This is joint work with Michael Hutchings, Agniva Roy and Morgan Weiler.


Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.
Zhen Gao

Kaffee, Tee und Gebäck eine halbe Stunde vor Vortragsbeginn im Raum 2006 (L1).

[Impressum]      [Datenschutz],     Di 3-Dez-2024 10:14:34 MEZ