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Friedrich Pukelsheim: Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen

Edinburgh (Vereinigtes Königreich), International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics of Voting and Representation: Composition of the European Parliament.

Aarau (Schweiz), Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau, Die verflixte Arithmetik des Verhältniswahlverfahrens: Zur aktuellen Reform des Wahlsystems für den Deutschen Bundestag.
Paris (Frankreich), Institut Henri Poincaré, Mathématiques en Mouvement, Maths et démocratie: Le vote à la loupe: Répresentation équitable des circonscriptions géographiques et des parties politiques: Double proportionnalité.

Florenz (Italien, Online-Zoom), European University Institute, European Governance and Politics Programme Annual Conference "Europe's Changing Political System and Issue Space. What Lessons from the 2019 European Elections?": Transnational lists and and double proportionality at future EP elections?
Rom (Italien), International Conference on Optimization and Decision Sciences 2021, 50th Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society: The tandem system – A new electoral frame for the European Parliament.

Paris (Frankreich), Centre national de la recherche scientifique, International Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions – A tribute to Michel Balinski: Fair representation and double proportionality.
Moskau (Russische Föderation), National Research University "Higher School of Economics", XXth April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development: Analysis of proportional representation systems.
Erzabtei Sankt Ottilien, LMU Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Summer Excursion: Apportionment methods for proportional representation.

Hannover, Mathematics and Politics – Democratic Decision Making: Degressive representation and double proportionality.
Będlewo (Polen), LinStat'2018 International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference: Degressive representation and the 2019 European Parliament elections.

Ljubljana (Slowenien), FEPS Open Public Event "Reform of EU Electoral Law": Compositional proportionality among unionwide party lists at European Parliament elections.

San Sebastián (Spanien), COST Action IC1205 Summer School on Computational Social Choice: Proportional representation: Examples, seat apportionment methods, and proportionality and personalization.

Coimbra (Portugal), Mat-Triad 2015: Matrices and the European Parliament.

Bern (Schweiz), Jahreskonferenz der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft: Regionale und politische Wählerrepräsentation: Der Doppelproporz.
Palaiseau (Frankreich), École Polytechnique, Workshop "Fair Decisions" in honor of Michel Balinski: Fair representation et le double Michel.
Ulm, Eleventh German Probability and Stochastic Days: Proportional representation: Apportionment methods and their biases.
Maastricht (Niederlande), COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice: Negative voting weights in the former electoral system for the German Bundestag.
Kopenhagen (Dänemark), European Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2014: Democracy in the digital age: Computational aspects of voting systems.
Rom (Italien), Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders: The Cambridge Compromise: A proposal for the composition of the European Parliament.

Freiburg im Breisgau, DAGStat 2013 – Third Joint Statistical Meeting Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik "Statistics under one umbrella": Das neue Bundeswahlgesetz.
Berlin, International Commission of Jurists – Deutsche Sektion der Internationalen Juristen-Kommission e.V., Kurztagung "Das Wahlrecht zum Deutschen Bundestag – Die Quadratur des Kreises?": Der Grundsatz der gleichen Wahl aus quantitativ-operationaler Sicht.
Budapest (Ungarn), Workshop on Mathematics of Electoral Systems – Voting, Apportioning and Districting: Proportionality and personalization: The 2013 amendment of the German Federal Election Law.

London (Vereinigtes Königreich), London School of Economics and Political Science, Voting Power in Practice Symposium – Voting Power in Social/Political Institutions: Typology, Measurement, Applications: A probabilistic re-view on Felsenthal & Machover's "Measurement of Voting Power".
Gullmarsstrand (Schweden), Humboldt-Kolleg Research Workshop: Election maths: On the iterative proportional fitting procedure.
Stockholm (Schweden), Workshop on Electoral Methods: Double proportionality for the Riksdag election 2010.

Leipzig, Ninth German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics: A short convergence proof of the Iterative Proportional Fitting procedure.
Château du Baffy (Frankreich), Voting Power in Practice Workshop – Assessing Alternative Voting Procedures: Electoral reform in Germany – A positive twist to negative voting weights?
Villa San Giovanni (Italien), 41st Annual Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society: Future EP elections – Uniformity via biproportionality?

Rom (Italien), Workshop on Statistica e Ottimizzazione: Optimality theory of experimental designs in linear statistical models.
Smolenice Castle (Slowakische Republik), Eighteenth International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics: An L1-analysis of the Iterative Proportional Fitting procedure.
Wuppertal, Jahrestagung 2009 der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft (Hauptvortrag): Von Wählern zu Gewählten – Über Sitzzuteilungsverfahren bei Verhältniswahlen.

New York (USA), A Mind for the Ages – Ramon Llull, Doctor Illuminatus: Llull and electoral processes.
Caen (Frankreich), Voting Power in Practice Workshop – The "One Person, One Vote" Principle and the Re-districting Problem: The OPOV principle in the German Federal Electoral Law – Equality of the success values of the voters' votes.

Będlewo (Polen), Mat-Triad 2007: A parliament of degressive representativeness?
Alessandria (Italien), Simulation and Other Quantitative Approaches to the Assessment of Electoral Systems: The Augsburg Java program BAZI for proportional representation apportionment.
Pisa (Italien), Fourth General Meeting of the European Consortium on Political Research: Seat bias formulas in proportional representation systems.
Warschau (Polen), International Workshop on Distribution of Power and Voting Procedures in the European Union: A parliament of degressive representativeness?

Uppsala (Schweden), Fifteenth International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics: Matrices and politics.
Istanbul (Türkei), Eighth International Meeeting of The Society for Social Choice and Welfare: Divisor methods for proportional representation systems – An optimization approach to vector and matrix problems.

Erice (Italien), Mathematics and Democracy – Voting Systems and Collective Choice: Current issues of apportionment methods.
Beijing (Volksrepublik China), Joint Meeting of the Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics and The Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Optimum design of statistical experiments.

Barcelona (Spanien), Sixth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society and Sixtyseventh Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics: A new look at iterative proportional fitting, alternating scaling, cyclic projections, and biproportional apportionment.
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania), Reform and Obedience – The Authority of Church, Council, and Pope from the Great Schism to the Council of Trent: The electoral systems of Nicholas of Cusa.

Caen (Frankreich), Voting Power and Procedures – Workshop on Voting Procedures in the European Union: The German electoral systems – Principles, practices, and peculiarities.
Athen (Griechenland), Recent Advances in Statistical Designs and Related Combinatorics: Democracy, design, and statistics (Eröffnungsvortrag).
Berlin, Fiftyfourth Session of the International Statistical Institute: Measuring inequality of proportional representation apportionment methods.

Havanna (Kuba), Fifth International Conference on Operations Research: A majorization comparison of apportionment methods in proportional representation.
Tübingen, New Directions in Humanities Computing – The Fourteenth Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities: A rediscovered Llull tract and the Augsburg Web Edition of Llull's electoral writings.

Puchberg (Österreich), MODA 6, Sixth International Workshop on Model-Oriented Design and Analysis: Kiefer ordering of simplex designs for second-degree mixture models with four or more ingredients.
Funchal (Portugal), Twentythird European Meeting of Statisticians: Biasedness and unbiasedness of seat apportionments in three-party proportional representation systems.
Ås (Norwegen), MatForsk Workshop on Quality Improvement: Generalized ridge regression under linear restrictions with particular applications to mixture experiments.
Bamberg, Mediaevistik und neue Medien – Medieval Studies and New Technologies: Ein wiederentdeckter Llull-Traktat und die Augsburger Internet-Edition von Llulls Wahlschriften.

Columbus (Ohio), First Midwest Conference on New Directions in Experimental Design: Improving manufacturing quality through planned experiments – A pressure governor case study.
Bordeaux (Frankreich), Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Improving manufacturing quality through planned experiments – Statistical methodology.

Tampere (Finnland), Eighth International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics: Kiefer ordering of simplex designs for second-degree mixture models with four or more ingredients.

Smolenice Castle (Slowakische Republik), ProbaStat '98, International Conference on Mathematical Statistics: Designs for Scheffé's mixture models.
Marseille (Frankreich), MODA 5, Fifth International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis: Kiefer design ordering for Scheffé mixture models.
Fort Lauderdale (Florida), Seventh International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, In Celebration of T.W. Anderson's 80th Birthday: The Kiefer partial order for the design of experiments – A superposition of matrix majorization and the Loewner ordering.

Seattle (Washington), AMS/IMS/SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on New Developments and Applications in Experimental Design: Polynomial representations for response surface modelling.
Irsee, Workshop on Topics in Model Fitting and Mixture Experiments: Mixture models based on homogeneous polynomials.

Saint Petersburg (Russland), Second Saint Petersburg Workshop on Simulation: Rounding probabilities – Unbiased multipliers.
Ithaca (New York), Conference in Honor of S.R. Searle: And round the world away.

Calcutta (Indien), Second International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics: (1) Optimal block designs revisited – An approximate theory detour (Hauptvortrag R.C. Bose Memorial Session on Design of Experiments and Combinatorics). (2) Rounding methods for approximate experimental designs.

Irsee, Workshop on Experimental Design: On E-optimal regression designs.
Berlin, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung: Effiziente Rundung approximativer Versuchspläane.

Minneapolis (Minnesota), Fourth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra: Matrix theory for the design of experiments.
Glasgow (Schottland), Department of Statistics Twentyfifth Anniversary Meeting: Bayesian experimental design.

Hannover, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik: Neuere statistische Methoden für die Versuchsplanung bei industriellen Fertigungsprozessen (Plenarvortrag).
Tampere (Finnland), International Workshop on Linear Models, Experimental Designs, and Related Matrix Theory: (1) Second order rotatable designs based on Kronecker squares. (2) Rotatability of variance surfaces and moment matrices. [View video]
Dresden (DDR), Mathematiker-Kongress der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Neuere Entwicklungen in der statistischen Produktions- und Qualitätskontrolle (Hauptvortrag).

Neuchâtel (Schweiz), International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Data Analysis and Inference: The Cramér-Rao inequality in differentiable families of distributions.
Sion (Schweiz), Séminaire de Statistique: Determination of a basic vocabulary for the French language.
Achselschwang, Statistical Methods and Genetic Models in Animal Science: An example of sequential experimentation using factorial designs.

Neuchâtel (Schweiz), First International Conference – Workshop on Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments: Analysis of variability by analysis of variance.
Delhi (Indien), Raj Chandra Bose Symposium on Probability, Statistics and Design of Experiments: Information matrices in experimental design theory.

Eisenach (DDR), First International Workshop on Model – Oriented Data Analysis: Admissibility and optimality of experimental designs.
Tampere (Finnland), Second International Tampere Conference in Statistics: Majorization orderings for linear regression designs. [View video]

Tashkent (Sowjetunion), First World Congress of the Bernoulli Society: Ordering experimental designs.
Holzhau (DDR), Siebte Internationale Sommerschule über Regressionsanalyse: Experimental design in off-line quality assurance.

Haifa (Israel), Jahrestagung der Israel Statistical Association: Recent trends in the design of experiments (Eröffnungsvortrag).
Los Angeles (Kalifornien), Workshop on Efficient Data Collection: Information increasing orderings.

Poznań (Polen), International Conference on Linear Inference: Approximate design theory for a simple block design with random block effects.

Ithaca (New York), Statistical Research Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Jack Kiefer and Jacob Wolfowitz: Approximate theory of multi-way block designs.

Dortmund, Anglo-German Statistical Meeting: Optimal designs for linear regression.

Wrocław (Polen), Fourteenth European Meeting of Statisticians: On the interplay of multivariate analysis and variance component estimation.

Ithaca (New York), Variance Components and Animal Breeding, A Conference in Honor of C.R. Henderson: Classes of linear models.

Wisła (Polen), Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics: On the geometry of unbiased nonnegative definite quadratic estimation in variance components models.

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